My Blog List

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nature Walk!!!

1. I had a ton of fun on the nature walk on Friday. It was a lot of fun watching the kids learn new things about the environment around them. I learned a few things about what type of flowers you can and can't touch, eat, smell, etc. I also learned what Poison Ivy looks like because I had no idea before hand. It was great watching my kid do leaf drawings and draw pictures of the flowers they saw out there.

2. The Total Dissolved Solids in the water relate to recycling because we can teach the kids not to dump their wastes into the rivers and other water sources. Also to make sure that they don't dump any metals down their drains or anywhere else.

3.K-12 awareness in recycling and reusing materials.

4. We are doing alright for now but it seems like we are doing so much in a small amount of time. We talk about what we want to do but don't execute it well. WE have yet to talk to any of the teachers about a presentation, or a survey. The only thing we have done so far was put posters up around the high school saying to recycle.

5.We plan to teach the kids the importance of recycling and saving energy and keeping the water clean and usable. We also want to teach them how to start recycling and reducing the amount of materials they use on a day-to-day basis!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Carbon Footprint Post


2.  I think that it is a very user-friendly site because it uses pictures and diagrams to show you your progress. The only thing I didn't like is that the questions weren't generalized enough, I felt like I didn't know half the answers to the questions it asked me.

3. It takes 5.5 earths to provide enough resources, if everyone lived like me.

4. a.)  I could stop purchasing items I don't necessarily need like new clothing and fast food.
b.) Start recycling more often instead of throwing it all away. Also using a more adaptable energy source like a wind turbine.
c.) Again, recycle more and use a better way to get and use energy.

5.) I'm not positive on what our action project is going to be quite yet, so I don't have a connection from my footprint to my action project.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Posting-Global Science

1. The only thing I really know about technology is that we have it in the modern 21st century. I really have no idea about how computers work, or cell phones, or anything of that sort. I just have them, and use them. I've never spent the time to learn anything new about technology or how anything works. To that extent, I am clueless. I mean, I know how to work and run things diligently and easily, but I still dont know the ligistics behind it. Same with the technology used to help out our planet, I'm clueless at how these things work and how scientists came up with the idea of how to do it.

2. I would love to learn something about how the Earth works, and by that I don't mean how gravitational pull or how the earth spins. But I mean is how is it that we are the only planet that can hold a life form? How is it that our ground is fertile enough to grow? That's the stuff I want to know. I want to learn what is put in our plants here in Eaton Rapids, and what is in our water. I also want to know things along the line of what is biodegratable and what isn't. Because I feel terrible throwing things into our rivers thinking that one day it will just go away. I don't know what is and what isn't. That would be something interesting to learn.