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Monday, September 26, 2011

Nature Walk!!!

1. I had a ton of fun on the nature walk on Friday. It was a lot of fun watching the kids learn new things about the environment around them. I learned a few things about what type of flowers you can and can't touch, eat, smell, etc. I also learned what Poison Ivy looks like because I had no idea before hand. It was great watching my kid do leaf drawings and draw pictures of the flowers they saw out there.

2. The Total Dissolved Solids in the water relate to recycling because we can teach the kids not to dump their wastes into the rivers and other water sources. Also to make sure that they don't dump any metals down their drains or anywhere else.

3.K-12 awareness in recycling and reusing materials.

4. We are doing alright for now but it seems like we are doing so much in a small amount of time. We talk about what we want to do but don't execute it well. WE have yet to talk to any of the teachers about a presentation, or a survey. The only thing we have done so far was put posters up around the high school saying to recycle.

5.We plan to teach the kids the importance of recycling and saving energy and keeping the water clean and usable. We also want to teach them how to start recycling and reducing the amount of materials they use on a day-to-day basis!


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