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Monday, September 12, 2011

Carbon Footprint Post


2.  I think that it is a very user-friendly site because it uses pictures and diagrams to show you your progress. The only thing I didn't like is that the questions weren't generalized enough, I felt like I didn't know half the answers to the questions it asked me.

3. It takes 5.5 earths to provide enough resources, if everyone lived like me.

4. a.)  I could stop purchasing items I don't necessarily need like new clothing and fast food.
b.) Start recycling more often instead of throwing it all away. Also using a more adaptable energy source like a wind turbine.
c.) Again, recycle more and use a better way to get and use energy.

5.) I'm not positive on what our action project is going to be quite yet, so I don't have a connection from my footprint to my action project.

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