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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Acid Rain project

Acid Rain

Acid rain can happen anywhere at any time. There is acid rain, acid snow, and acid fog that can happen in wet areas; and acid gas and acid dust that occurs in dry areas of the earth. All lakes and rivers have a slight acidity level. but if th pH goes to a certain level, it can be dangerous to the fish and other organisms living there.(1)
Acid rain occurs when polluted gases get trapped in clouds. These gases usually come from factories buring large amounts of fossil fuels and coal and car exhausts. Trees, lakes, animals, and even buildings are vulnerable to acidic precipitation. They all can be severely damaged from this type of rain. People can contract skin cancer and radiation poisoning from acid precipitation as well.(2)

There is no way to predict when acid rain will fall or where. It all depends on the amount of acidic chemicals getting emitted into the air in that area.There was a rumor that when a dark circle appears around the moon, acid rain will fall. But this ring only appears every 750 years and acid rain happens way more often. (3)

Power plants and other factories are requiring filters be installed in their pipes to reduce the amount of acidic chemicals that get into the air. There are acts and laws against factories emitting these dangerous chemicals into the air. (4)

These trees were killed by the effects of acid rain.

Acid Rain can erode statues and buildings. Stone is no match for this type of precipitation.

Acid Rain Cycle.

4. http://

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