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Thursday, October 27, 2011


At the MSU trip, I learned several things that were really neat to find out.

The Planetarium:
  1.   Constellations come out during different seasons, they aren't all visible at once.
  2. You can see planets from Earth, depending on when it is visible at what time.
  3. There is more than one galaxy, there are actually several different galaxies.
  4. Stars take thousands of years to grow and explode
  5. There are different shapes of galaxies.
The Cyclotron:
  1. They like to take nucleus' and smash them and study the pieces that are left
  2. They study the isotopes of the nucleus.
  3. The plan on building a longer, more accurate system to study these isotopes called the FRIB.
I really enjoyed just walking through campus and seeing student life. I also liked being in an actual college classroom/lecture hall to see what it would be like for me next year.

I would make the trip longer so that we would have more time to walk through campus or do other things!

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