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Thursday, October 6, 2011

River Testing

The q-value, according to our tests, in the river was so low that the fish are basically either dead or dying. Our preliminary Q-value was 3.5 and our final was 2.45. I figured that our results would be low but I didn't think they would be so low that our fish could be dying off.


  1. Lake Superior is the largest and Lake Erie is the smallest.
  2. The most urban was Lake Michigan and the most rural was Lake Superior.
  3. Lake Michigan has the longest shoreline
  4. With companies dumping sewage and other trash into our lakes and rivers, our ecosystem is going to easily die off and become extinct at one point or another. Companies need to stop dumping crap into the lakes so that the fish are able to live.
  5. Two types of pollutants is automobile fumes and paper/plastic trash.

a.) The water from my house goes into a drain field that is currently in my backyard, we plan to move that field out from the lowest point on our property to the highest so that it doesn't flood in the spring.
b.) Runoff water either evaporates into the air or it drains into the ground and will eventually end up in a river or lake.
c.) Runoff water and Sewer water should never end up in the same place because runoff water is clean, drinkable water that can be used for human use. Sewer water will contaminate that water and could potentially get humans really sick.
d.) Sources of pollution in the waterwould be leaves, dirt, sewage, bugs/animals, etc.
e.) Point water pollution is pollution that is caused by a human, like when companies dump trash into forests or lakes. Non-point water pollution is, for example, when it rains and it washes car oil from a driveway into runoff water and will soon end up in the water supply.
f.) A watershed is a spot where all water runs off and ends up into a giant puddle/lake thing. It's sort of hard to explain.

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